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  • Chess Set Mexico History 1910

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    Item: Exclusive Genuine Hand Carved Stone Chess Set Mexico History 1910

    Sold For: $1,995.00

    Bids: 1

    Date: Aug 13, 2012

    Auction: Ebay

    Description and Image By: napsupplier

    An impressive hand carved chess set depicting the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Roughly 50 years old. I searched the internet for the board and could not find another one like it!! Truly unique

    White pieces are soldiers and on the opposite end are Mexican warriors. Each space on the chess board includes a hand carved/ engraved horse head except for the castle position. All four castle spaces is carved/ engraved with a building. The perimeter edge of the chess board is framed with Mayan hieroglyphics. The sides of the chess board table includes four hard carved story boards depicting the war with 3 horse heads. One faces left and right, the other faces the front serving as a handle to open the concealed draw that holds the chess pieces.

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