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  • Current Gold Price Per Gram

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    The current gold price per gram can be calculated by comparing it to the price of gold per ounce. For example, there are about 28.35 grams in an ounce of gold. Therefore, if the price of an ounce of gold was at about $1,600 per ounce, then you would divide $1,000 by 28.35 which equals $56.44. In other words, a gram of gold is worth about $56.44  per gram.

    *Gold Price Per Gram*

    Current Gold Price Per Gram

    This is ofcourse for a gram of 24 carat gold or pure .9999 fineness. Also, keep in mind that just because the price of an ounce of gold is at $1,600, it does not mean that anyone will pay you $1,600. for an ounce of gold or even the current gold price per gram of $56.44. Most jewelers or dealers who buy gold resellt it to a refinery and the refinery usually pays them a small percentage or premium under the current price spot price of gold.

    So, if the gold price per gram is at about $56.44 expect a dealer to offer you about $45-$50 for your gold per gram. Some dealers also sell directly to the public but even then they have overhead and other associated costs.

    In order for you to sell your gold at a reasonable price, try to wait for the gold price per gram to increase to atleast 5% from when you originally bought it before you expect to make a profit.

    Thankfully, the gold prices do fluctuate on a daily basis and on some days the price can fluctuate as much as 7-8%. as long as you purchased gold underneath the going rate you be able to do well when gold increases in price more than 5%.


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