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  • Police Pay $1,500. to Learn How to Make a Fake $100 Bill

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    By Gisela Chan

    Unfortunately, with better quality scanners and equipment almost anyone can produce fake items such as id’s, social security cards, documents and currency. Below is an example of someone who made their own fake ID. However,  in this article, we will discuss 39 year old Brian Rusty King who shows authorities how to make a fake 100 dollar bill. Police officers paid Rusty $1,500 dollars to demonstrate how he creates a fake 100 dollar currency.

    Rusty uses a five dollar bill and first removes all the ink. The five dollar bill is first soaked in a degreaser which can be purchased at an auto parts store. He then heats the $5 currency note in a microwave or oven. The degreaser is then applied to the $5 bill, some individuals will use nail polish to remove the ink. Once the liquid is applied on the five dollar bill, the bill is placed in the microwave for approximately a minute and 30 seconds. Rusty leaves the note in the microwave for approximately 10 minutes to dry off. He then washes off the bill on a bowl with some water and sprays with some homemade cleaner.

    Image by Papky

    He then continues to dry the note by using a hair dryer. Once the heating process is completely done, the bill’s ink is completely removed. Apparently, the only remaining item in the bill is Abraham Lincoln’s water mark. Now he uses an authentic 100 hundred dollar. The one hundred dollar bill is then placed in a scanner and the image is scanned. The 100 hundred dollar image is then copied on to the five dollar currency note which had its ink stripped off.

    Now, Rusty has created a fake 100 hundred dollar bill that looks completely authentic. Authorities indicate that using this counterfeiting method produces fairly good fake 100 bills. If the bill is placed under the light, Abraham Lincolns inscribed water mark can be read, and this is a good way to catch these fakes.These are just some of the methods employed in the process of making counterfeit currency. However, we left out some important points to prevent anyone from trying it.

    Important note: Counterfeiting currency is illegal and is a felony punishable up to 15 years in prison. Also there can be a fine up to $5,000 dollars or both a $5,000 fine and prison. The sad part is that most individuals don’t bother to check their currency under a light to verify if it is fake or real. Since the paper is of the same quality, size, shape, and has the same feel, most people will probably be deceived by the fake 100 bills. To view the video where Rusty shows authorities how easy he can make fake 100 bills, click here.


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