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  • &F* Fossil Dinosaur Psittacosaurus Complete Skeleton

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    Item: &F* Fossil Dinosaur Psittacosaurus Complete Skeleton
    Sold For: $1,605.38
    Bids:  2
    Date:  Mar 25, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: dinosaursandfossils
    Description and Image By: dinosaursandfossils

    Can be stockpiled over a number of weeks until you have a large enough package to ship – especially useful for our many resellers to reduce shipping and increase your profits – email us before starting a stockpile!!!!!             Please see our other auctions and shop items – complete keichousaurus reptiles (169 sold on ebay alone in 2005) and ammonites several trilobites, shark teeth, insects in amber, fossil fish, starter and huge collections, wholesale and trade lots more Locality: meileyingzi, shengli, chaoyang city, liaoning province, china.                     Age and horizon: (late) early cretaceous period 115 million years ago. From the jiufotang formation

    Cies information: a small primitive bipedal ceratopsian dinosaur which grew to around 100cm Atchosauria: ornithischia: ceratopsia: psittacosauridae                     Pronounced; si-ta-koh-saw-us                     Approx. 23″/58cm

    Meaning “parrot lizard” (referring to its parrot like beak) these early parrot-beaked dinosaurs are a close ancestor to the horned dinosaurs (certopsians) which include such well known forms such as tricerotops

    Both parrot beaked and horned dinosaurs possessed jaws, being curved and tapered forward and the lateral teeth highly specialised to masticate their vegetative diet.                     A relatively small dinosaur bipedal dinosaur which had relatively long and well developed forearms

    Psittacosaurus was the first step on the path towards the four-footed horned descendants that were to appear 20 million years later – psittacosaurus appears to be an evolutionary link between two large groups of dinosaurs.                     A very early dinosaur which lived a considerable time before the famous north american dinosaurs.                    100,000kgs of fossils now in stock and rising- keep watching our shop for new bargains and wholesale offers

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