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  • Rarest Red Diamond Worth $10 Million

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    white diamonds

    White Diamonds

    Many people think diamonds are very rare, when in reality there really not.

    Every year tens of thousands of diamonds are discovered in extremely large numbers throughout the entire world. The majority of them are clear in color and usually small in size as well as unwanted by most jewelers and high society. However, not all diamonds are common. In fact, there are some diamonds that are very scarce and some that are even very rare. Which ones?

    Red Diamond

    Red Diamond

    Colored diamonds are the ones that are extremely rare and much more so than clear diamonds. In certain colors like ruby red, only a small number of these diamonds exist. One red diamond in particular is extremely rare and valuable.

    This is the Moussaieff Red Diamond, as it is one of the largest red diamonds in the world measuring an astonoshing 5.11 carats. This makes it the most expensive diamond for its weight as a non-radiological gem that has been found on earth with the color red.

    It is also referred to as the “Red Shield” diamond. Interestingly, its name was changed and is now named after its new owner Alisa Moussaieff London, an extremely wealthy woman in her 70’s which owns a jewelry shop. Mrs. Moussaeif is no stranger in the diamond industry, as she is also known to have purcahsed some of the most expensive pearls and diamonds in the world in the past.

    Searching for Diamonds

    Searching for Diamonds

    In 1990 a Brazilian farmer in Abaetezinho River first discovered the diamond. This region, also known as Alto Paranaiba, is known to be a great place to find large, colored diamonds.

    Before the red diamond was cut, it weighed an amazing 13.9 carats. The diamond was cut by William Goldberg to give it a nicer appearance and show its amazing beauty. Today it is still owned by Moussaief Jewellers who bought it in 2001 – 2002 in a private transaction at an undisclosed price. The Diamonds price is estimated to be worth about $10 million dollars. It is currently displayed at the Smithsonian’s Museum with thousands of other historical artifacts.

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