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  • Rolex Submariner

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    Rolex Submariner Watch

    Rolex Submariner Watch

    The Rolex Submariner is one of Rolex’s most popular watch models.  It was first produced in 1953 when it manufactured the original 6204 and 6205 models. These were some of the first diving watches produced which were water resistant, something that was considered a great accomplishment at the time.

    Although other watches were produced by Rolex that were water proof, the 6204 and 6205 were one of the first watches to be widely publicized to consumers. It is uncertain of which of these two models was originally produced first as Rolex did not always issue watches in Model sequence numbers. It is possible that throughout the years Rolex has worked on different Models at the same time and for different reasons just decided to issue each model at a different time.

    The Submariner Rolex models became very famous by the use of famous divers using them in their field because of their great quality and capability of working under water as well as being corrosion free after being exposed to the water for lone periods of time. To this day the Rolex Submariner models are one of the most popular watches issues by the Rolex Watch company .

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